...just singing in the rain...singing and DANCING in the rain tra la la...
Our new thing is "nature showers". As soon as it rains, Missy wants to go and "take a nature shower". This stems from us being caught in a VERY HEAVY DOWNPOUR a couple of weeks ago and it was a lot of fun to get saturated (dog and all) and walk the streets! I think we also have an inbred affinity to the rain being Londoners...whenever it rains, this girl is out in it...

On Thursday, I did a photo shoot, right before I finished, the clouds loomed, the temperature dropped and that negative ion smell hit my nostrils...a storm was a coming and it was all good because I'd gotten my shots...
Here is one from the shoot (more on

I choose this one so you can see just how much fun these cool kids had AND the storm looming in the background...10 mins later the rain came down!
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