Saturday, June 14, 2008

Okinawa World

***(Sorry Dad, this is a lot of photo post, you might want to show mum on the comp. if you don't want to use lots of ink!)***
Okinawa world: about a 40 minute drive south. It is like a theme park, Okinawa style (don't expect to find rollercoasters here).
First we got up and discovered Loubie's bag has some 'friends' attached to it...
Time to work out how to use the humidifier, except the instruction picture I have does not seem to correspond with our remote...hmmmm...Saw an Eisa show, with Lion Dog dance, fun...
One of the Eisa drummers...
Next a Habu snake show...April, Tyler and Jeff got to hold a snake (NOT a habu! We did want to arrive home alive!)
April thinks she is actually a Shisa...
Glass blowing/making demonstration...
Creations like these are commonplace here on Island...

A nice dog, quite photogenic isn't he? AND, he was a HE, I should have taken a photo from the other end!
Traditional weaving house...The kids trying out the whistles...

Here's the Pricherts , all dressed up...and here we are too...

Here's a photo of a photo (so sue me!) taken at the cave entrance...It was a great fun day trip and there's a Turkish guy there that sells some very good chicken kebabs, yum!

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