Thursday, July 17, 2008

To Photoshop or not to photoshop...

...that is the question.
Anyone that knows me knows that I love my photography. They may also know that I am not so technologically minded in a computer sense.
Here's some more:
1. I have been taking photographs for many years. I began with a film SLR (Nikon of course, thanks dad for etching that in my brain, not that there's anything wrong with canon or any of the others, just Nikon was the camera my dad had and I begged to borrow). I shot with ilford film and developed in our tiny (I mean tiny) home made BW darkroom. (Think smelly chemicals at 2am).
2. I have had a few small photo exhibitions in my time, all in London, all B&W, all urban themed.
2. I have been using a DSLR since 2006 (thanks again Dad for introducing me to the D70)

3. I have never edited a photo using photoshop. Shock, Horror. I have nothing against the programme, I just can't use the bloody thing, have never really tried properly and think I am scared of it! Now, I do edit my photos a bit, very basic, but I use different editing tools.

4. My post editing is kept to a minimum. I like to get the image sorted out in the camera and that's that. Now, I have seen what PS can do to a less than perfect image (alot!) and I have seen what it can do to an outstanding image (alot!). I have seen actions take an image to another level and that's why I googled PS v's PS elements.

Here's the link in case you are interested, whoever you may be. I like the points this guy makes. It was such a clear cut article for me.

Now, my point to this blog post is, um, I've forgotton, Oh, that's it, it is sort of an open mic session with possibly myself justifying why I don't use PS. And, if anyone is listening, explaining my photography history. A few people have asked how I get good, clear, shots. Never would I thought to call myself traditional, not in a million years (ask Albert, he would tell you more like radical, rebel, troublemaker!), but when it comes to photography, IMO, less is more (as long as you have a decent photo to start with). My main point was posting that article for anyone wondering whether they should use PS, elements, or something else.

As my photographic journey goes deeper, so does my need to develop a workflow, get a website, have some more digital tools. It's a huge learning curve, I like my camera much more than my computer, but I need to remember that the tiny darkroom isn't there anymore, it's here, beyond these keys. I like my editing system right now, and as a friend told me 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it' and that is that! If I feel the need to change in the future, I will.


Anonymous said...

that is how i feel...if it aint broke dont fix it! While true you can do ALOT in PS3, no worries about jumping into the deep end. I think your photos look fabulous as they are!

ukreal1 said...

Thank you very much, we can't all be PS whizzes like you :o)...but I may learn one day, I think you was the one who told me 'if it ain't broke..!'