On Friday a few of us crazies went out for a cool morning of taking photos 80's style. Here are some of the results!
First up, Kristina with a push pop (and why does she have a pipe growing out of her head!)

Marilyn (AKA Shelia)...trying hard not to show us her knickers! (which were black and white incidentally!)

Let the bubbles begin, whose is gonna go POP first?...

Here's the answer to that one! LOL. Love those earrings :o)

Here's Reggie, going some promotional posing for his sponser...Cool...

And here is his NUMBER ONE FAN...seriously...

I can't just leave without showing you what I looked like on this day...I don't know if I am 80's, 70's or what I am, but here I am anyway!

So, there you have it, I will post some more soon. In other news from this end, I still have a hideous cough and it hurts, go away! I will have a beautiful website up very soon, watch this space. Loub's last day of preschool is next week. I don't know whether to laugh of cry!
Caz, I and the kids (including Harry Dog) watched some fireworks from the roof last night and it was windy and then it rained, very cool. Then I had a melt down because you couldn't see the floor in Loubie's room, then we made cookies so it all worked out!
love it!! the bubble popper was classic!! and I am just thankful you didnt get my knickers on camera! that was such a fun morning!!
oh, about the the knickers, em, I didn't tell you about wham! part 2!!! Kidding, no zebra knickers this time :o)
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