Well, 'Fantastic Friday' turned into 'Falling Friday' as Loubie took a nose dive from his 4ft bed and made contact with the floor. I heard the thud and thought a shelf had fallen on him. But, no that noise was his head meeting hard floor.

Yes, that is an imprint of the floor tiles on his head. Then 'Falling Friday' turned into 'Frustrating Friday' as we spent 4 hours in the ER. I am always wary with head bumps and would rather be safe than sorry. This is the breakdown: 1.5 hrs waiting room. 30 mins waiting in the bed area. 30 mins consult and all clear. Here's the frustrating part...1.5 hrs waiting to be signed off on. Just waiting. Loubie fell asleep so all I had were my nails to bite for company. He is fine. He is a boy and I am hoping this will be the last visit to the ER but as I said he's a boy, a daredevilish one at that. He's no wallflower, that one.
Well, the typhoon, has veered left so we will get some winds and rain but not a typhoon, it seems.

April has a b-day party to go to, it is dark and gloomy outside. My neck is killing me, I need a chiropractor. I am off for a nap. Later.
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