WOW, it's dark outside. The wind is howling round the building. I close my eyes. I
am in London, in my room on the estate I grew up on. It is like a February day in London. You wake up the clock says 6:00, you look out the window and think to yourself is
that 6am or 6pm...I open my eyes and I
am actually sitting here in my apartment in Okinawa. The tropical storm is passing by bringing this weather. It doesn't help that our walls are brown. I feel like I am living in a hollowed out tree trunk. The walk to the bus stop left me soaked and with a
wonderful hairstyle. But, tomorrow, the bus stop outside officially comes back into action. RESULT! Now I can 'walk' the kids to school in my PJ's!
Here's a photo for my Mum, the rain jackets you sent! Thanks for those, they have come in quite handy this morning...

I am also walking over the 'new to Okinawa' threshold. We have been here 6 months now. 6 long humid frustrating months. 6 fast, exciting, tropical months. However I look at it on any given day, it has been 6 months. We've done A LOT. I think. But there is always more to do...
Here's my wish to do list while we are here:
Thailand, Indonesia, and all those cool places over there!
Mainland Japan-Tokyo, Mount Fuji, Kyoto
Dive certified
Snorkeling in the Keramas
London and Venice and Naples and Ireland and...(why didn't I do that when I lived in that direction?!)
Masters degree
volunteer stuff
banana show LOL
eat more delish food
as you can imagine, some of these things may remain dreams! But, that's OK, everyone has to dream!
What is your wish list (for your life, wherever that is) whoever is reading?
I am going to have a cup of tea and some toast, it's that kind of day. Damn, I might even turn the TV on. But, maybe a walk in the rain is more my 'cup of tea'! Toodle Pip!
Hey, I am not the only one that can walk my kids to the bus or school in their PJ's. Today was the day I did it because of the weather. I knew I was going to get soaked so why not! LOL.
I want to go to London SO bad. I want to ride on the London Eye. When I saw the Amazing Race one season and that is where they ended up I knew that had to be one of my travel destinations... I even have a traveling gnome. I lived in Italy for 3 years, but didn't make it that far. Okay sorry for rambling on your blog :)
I only have about 9 months left here and my list is coming ever so short:
I still have to see Taipei, banana show (maybe we can go together lol!), Korea, flight tour of the island, and see the dragon boat races. Future dreams: start my Masters degree, take a cruise, and visit Africa.
I went to Indonesia and it was awesome. I recommend it! Bali was BEAUTIFUL!
Loved reading your blog and Hollie's comment. I am not sure what my dreams are these days. I need to spend some time on that. I would like my master's degree someday. I want one more cute little baby (boy or girl)! I am not much of a traveler except Road trips. So when we get back to the states, if we can drive there I want to go. I want to go to Disney world florida really bad.
Hollie, I forgot about the little plane ride, I want to do that too!
London Eye is cool, I get vertigo with heights, so I spent most of the 'ride' in the middle of the floor, crouching low, creeping near the edge when I felt brave (I know you are thinking why did she go...because I am silly is my answer LOL)
Banana show, gotta be done!
Wow, bali, gotta go, that's so cool you went there.
Heidi - you are one brave woman wanting more kids, but you have it down! Do you want to borrow mine one weekend LOL
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