Okinawa has a some really crazy, funny signs. Here are some I took ages ago...I can't believe the amount of people that smoke EVERYWHERE. I have been Californianized (I realize this is not a word Mr. little red dotted line underneath, thank you) with not seeing cigarettes everywhere. Of course, I am the worst kind, the EX smoker (not touched one in 9 years thanks to Allen Carr's book 'the easy way to stop smoking')

Then, found this rather cool recycling bin and just had to take a pic...It reads "If you hold a good intercourse with nature, it would teach you how to live." Hmmmm.

Here are some more funnies:
Starting off with the 'sleeping twins'

Then a few weeks ago we all ended up at the beach with half the kids from the Apt. building across the street. Well, Loubie attracted these 2 students from just outside Tokyo. The one in the white bikini was particularly enthralled by him and helped him make castles for a good hour. It was funny, because a bunch of Marines were sitting nearby and you could see they were so jealous. probably thinking, 'what's that kid got that I haven't!' (I won't answer that!)

And now here is me trying to pose on our recent trip to Gate 2. That is funny in itself...Thank you Rene for taking some photos to show my family and friends that I actually do still exist!

Later, later!
Funny ash trays signs. I think I've seen one since we've been here and I had to get a picture of it too.
You in front of the rockin’ skeleton, love it!
you'll have to come out next time!
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