Monday, March 30, 2009

I Heart Faces - Pout and Pets

OK, this week the I Heart faces category is POUT. The first person I thought of was Loubie (the son) as he pouts a lot. But Lo and behold, I could not find a pout photo of him. Then, I realized I had the perfect pouting sleeping newborn from a shoot the other day. So here is my pouting entry...
Don't you just want to squeeze those cheeks!

The 2nd category this week is pets, anything goes. Well, I just really love this image of Harry dog: his great eye, the in camera crop, the depth of field (or lack there-of) and his orange coat and the blue leash. So, here is my pet entry...He is such a good boy...


Miti said...

Oh....that baby just took my breath away! GREAT SHOT! And Harry Dog is a cutie himself!

maggiemae and family said...

wow those are both amazing. i LOVE the one of the baby. i DO just want to squeeze him!!

Puna said...

There's bokeh behind that doggie!

Unknown said...

These are FANTASTIC! :-) seriously, i just told my hubby that you better be in the top 10 :-) Love it!