Thursday, July 2, 2009

Three is the magic number...

No, I am not talking the De La Soul song, although it was good to hear!
Seems like the other day that I was up at the castle ruins, in the sweltering heat, photographing a little two year old. Well, Little Miss E is back, ready for the big three! Wonder what kind of birthday cake she will have? Well, not a problem since Mum Marisa is one half of cakeMEone...need a cake, give them a holler!

She had some Dad time...

Some Mum time...

Some alone time...LOVE this pose...

Finished up at the Ferris wheel...two slightly different processed versions...

I thought for sure this time we were going to get rained out, but the rain held off yet again! I have been SO lucky! Thanks guys and Happy Birthday, E!

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