Thursday, March 4, 2010

Photo meet up...

Here's some photos from a recent photo meet up to gate 2 st. You won't see photos of me very often ha ha. I am currently in Yokota after a fab trip to Singapore so thought I would go through my draft folder!

This one by Alexis sort of sums me up...Rebel? Me? Never!

Another by Alexis...

Who took this? I think Kerry?
This is def. from kerry....
Kristi, capturing me and Deni doing 'so you think you can dance'!

By Deni?

The group by Anya...
Back: Denise, me, Deni...
Front: Alexis, Shannon, Kerry, Kristi...

Another by Anya...

Now, Here are some photographers I shot!
Kerry and the radiantly pregnant Deni...

Anya and Kristi...

Alexis (my fav shot of the day) and Denise (also a fav)...

Bye for now!


Blake and Hollie said...

I love the one of you in front of the red wall!!!

Anonymous said...

Great photos - thanks for sharing!!!

ukreal1 said...

Thanks ladies :o)