Friday, April 2, 2010

And when I touch you...

I feel happy inside. It's such a feeling that my love, I can't hide. I can't hide. I can't hide...

Just a couple from a recent session with my fellow Brit Maz (which is how we first got talking!). We finally got a session in before hubby left for quite some time for work and I am glad that it all worked out so they can have some recent photos together...
More coming with the rest of the family :o)


Anonymous said...

I love these!!!!

Anonymous said...

These are great, really like them!

SandiR. said...

These are wonderful! You are a great photographer!

Mikhail Silverwood said...

These are amazingly well taken photos.

ukreal1 said...

WOW thank you all for the love :o)
Big Hugs (I 'sound' like a teletubbie!)