Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Family at the {rainy} Gardens!

Some firsts for this shoot. First time shooting a client at the Fukushen gardens (quite surprising really), I have shot there for my own amusement before so at least I knew how to get there!
First time I had someone come along on the shoot with me, Thanks Trish, I am glad you enjoyed it and hope you got something out of it!

It was one of those days, shall we cancel or not. This is what I was driving into! (Mcd's - wherever you go, there it is!!!)

Well, this family was PCSing so it was another we do it now or we don't do it at all most likely. So, we did it! Yes, it rained. Yes, of course it stopped raining after the shoot was complete! But that's life, innit! You live it!

The kids were great sports considering this was mosquito central (I counted 28 bites on my calves and ankles that - very itchy - night). I am sure they had the same.

They were troopers!

I love this place...

LOVE it!

Look at the colour of the pond. Beautiful!

Of course, I had to get some portraits of these gorgeous children :o)

So this family has flown off to pastures new and I hope that these images will give them some great memories of this unique island. Happy travels Kids...

...and, of course, Mum and Dad!

On another note: I have been asked quite a few times by people if they can come on a shoot with me. I am so used to working alone, I felt weird about it, so when I never took people up on their offers to 'shadow' me or assist me before, it wasn't because I was being rude, I just didn't feel comfortable and thought I would feel self conscious, but it wasn't like that at all. It was so nice to have someone with me: they can help me in so many ways, including with their own visions that I might otherwise miss. So thanks again for breaking me out of my little box, Trish!
After the shoot, Trish and I went for a little walk, chatted photography and took some photos. I will post that next!


Anonymous said...

AWESOME photos, as usual. I'm also glad you had fun with Trish - it's great to have an "assistant" as we do this thing called life.

The Howes Family said...

Really awesome! I miss seeing you girl!

The Howes Family said...

Awesome shots!

ukreal1 said...

Thank you L and T :o)