Monday, February 11, 2013

Eight is the magic number | Okinawa Family Photographer

Here is the 2nd big family in a week that I shot right after Christmas (Yep, I'm blog-olistically behind!)
It all turned out well and good! Of course, I got all the family members separately. It was like a few family sessions rolled into one! I *almost* needed a notebook to write all the sequences down!
How cute is he?
and his cousin, M!
And, yes, we did have some laughs, of course!
Sweet cousins!
Super sweet!
Moved up the beach to capture the family in a different light...
The proud Grandparents!
Off we toddled to look at some shells
and really observe them!
Pick some flowers
Before we called it a night with an Okinawa family of 8 sunset!
Thank you, as always, Chuck for assisting me and keeping me from tripping up and leaving lens caps and all that silly stuff! Thank you, Michelle, for sending your friend my way! Much LOVE! Thank you Diana, Tim and Family for trusting me to capture your family whilst they were all together in Okinawa!


marimichelle said...

I'm just seeing these now! Love! <3

marimichelle said...

Just seeing these now... LOVE! <3

marimichelle said...

Just seeing these now! Love! <3