Monday, January 28, 2013

Fitness Maternity Shoot | Okinawa Portrait Photographer

Annie contacted me to do a fitness shoot with a twist: she was also pregnant. She wanted to incorporate the pregnancy into the shoot so that women could view her website and see that being pregnant and fit is quite possible and actually, absolutely FABULOUS {darlin'}!!!
Annie is a personal trainer out here in Okinawa. Here is her Facebook page...
It was a wonderful overcast morning for a shoot. I LOVE how the colours of the sea are still so vibrant when the sun is not out!
We had kettle bells, medicine ball, some small weights, it was quite the workout at the shoot!
The infamous Toguchi Rock getting in on the workout!
A quick head-shot by the grass and off we toddled...
I brought along my new weighted hula-hoop, I thought it would be good for a silhouette shot! You obviously can't see it here, but it is rainbow colours! If it's bright and colourful, it motivates me (although at the time of writing this I haven't used it for, errr, quite a few days!!!)
 I LOVE this!
Look at how beautiful Annie is!
 Classic in BW
We got some great shots. We focused a lot on the fitness aspect and head-shots since Annie had booked me for a maternity shoot a bit further along...
 But I couldn't resist some sweet shots of her and the little belly!
And yes, as per usual, there were laughs involved. It just wouldn't be right without them!
Annie, it was a pleasure and a blast. LOVED this shoot! Standby for the maternity shoot next. Here's a peek of Part.1 for now...
Played around with some texture! Annie was a trooper, it wasn't cold but it certainly wasn't warm!!!
And Part.2...Yay, we brought hubby in on the act!!!
Coming soon! Watch this space! For the latest don't forget to 'like' and check out my Facebook page!

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