This is the first time I've been tagged, blog tagged, so here goes and thanks to Marisa
10 years ago: July 1998 – I was living in NYC (Brooklyn I believe), working for a CD production Company. Also, doing some freelance photography for Hip Hop mags. Single, bar hopping on the weekends and rollerblading on Wednesday nights with Blade Night, Manhattan! Can't believe it is still going, that's great!
5 years ago: July 2003 – London, hot and humid Summer. My belly resembled that of Buddha's because Loubie was hanging out in there ready to be born. Albert arrived back from Iraq and arrived in London last week of July for the birth, which was of course late (August 11th 2:07am to be precise)
5 months ago: March 1 – Going PCS crazy, trying to sell the cars, dealing with movers. Panicking.
5 things on my list of things to do tomorrow:
1. Edit Reggie's photos
2. Go to my mum's meet up barbecue
3. Build my website IF IT EVER arrives in my inbox
4. Go and eat good food during Parents' Night Out
5. Try and call my Dad when he is NOT working or sleeping!
5 bad habits:
1. Doing the laundry and not getting round to folding it so it forms a clothes sculpture in the bedroom. Maybe I should start an art installation at MOMA
2. Reading before I go to sleep, but sometimes too much so I am up way past my bedtime.
3. Worrying
4. Getting sucked into the computer, so much so that my daughter recently told me I spend too much time on the computer and that I don't play with her anymore (not quite true but made me prick my ears up enough to listen)
5. Indecisiveness (those that really know me, know this is a very bad habit and I just changed it to this from procrastinating!!! ha ha)
5 places I’ve lived:
1. London (born and bred!)
2. Manhattan
3. San Diego, California
4. India (for 6 mths)
5. Brooklyn
5 things people don’t know about me:
1. I love reggae, that is my 'base' music.
2. I'm an only child. Hate it. Feels lonely at times. I fear rejection. My friends are my bros and sisters. It has made me seek people but I also am somewhat of a loner too.
3. I have traveled alot. India, Israel, Eygpt, Morocco, Spain, Puerto Rico, America, Paris, croatia... Still need to travel more...
4. I once had 11 piercings in one ear and 7 in the other. I have also had my nose pierced 3 times. I am a hippy rebel (but now only have 2 in each ear!) Plus, my hair used to be 'pillarbox red' yes, bright red! My Dad went mental when he saw it!!! ha ha
5. I will be 40 in 2 years. Yikes.
So now I get to tag some bloggers (This is hard because I don't know that many really and the ones I do have already been tagged...) PS: if you don't answer I will totally understand!:
1. Shelia
2. Heidi
3. emm, can I get back with one?
4. emm, can I get back with one?
5. Someone, anyone, please send a blogger my way LOL
I am guilty of the computer too!! Em tells me to get off of it ALL the time!
You've had such an exciting life... wow! I'm blown away by everything you've done and continue to do. And your not going to be 40 in two years. Nope, no way. You look way too young to be 38. No fair!
S - That's why the kids are in school this week, some time to get my website together! Yippee!
M - You are too kind, you obviously haven't seen me in the morning LOL
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