"A mad, keen photographer needs to get out into the world and work and make mistakes."
Sam Abell
Sam Abell
(This is a l o n g one)
No, for me, it was this:
I get home. I grab the USB wire thingy and plug in my camera. My photos from the 2nd half of the session come up. Great! I go to my camera bag (I know any photographer reading knows whats coming...) and I grab what I think is the other memory card from the session. Insert it. Blank. Pull it out, insert again. Blank. Rub eyes. Go to the bag. Start throwing things around like a wild banshee. I count 4 cards now. I own 5. At this point, knowing, just KNOWING, that when I ran over to my bag and swapped memory cards mid shoot, that memory card did not get secured somehow (I forgot the zip, I thought I was throwing it in the bag but I actually threw it in the rocks, etc).
Back to life, back to reality (unfortunately not the Soul to Soul lyrics). I FREAK. I tell the hubby and kids, I RUN out of the apartment, down the stairs, in the car and I am back at the location in less than 15 mins (it normally takes at least 20!). I know EXACTLY where my bag was. I arrive. There are 3 teenage Okinawan teens getting ready to go snorkeling. I look all around the area. I even ignore the seaglass, which is hard! NOTHING. 'OH, MEMORY CARD WHERE ART THOU' (LOL) A thought pops in my head to ask the boys, but I think 'why, it's not here'. Then I remember, that often I don't listen to my instincts and later I find out that whatever I thought I should or shouldn't do at the time would have worked out better if I had or hadn't done it at the time...(!)...
"Sumimasen". They look. Did you see a camera memory card (I make a square shape with my fingers). "Oh!" One of them exclaims and runs to behind the rocks and produces my MEMORY CARD. I say 'Arigato Gozaimasu' and I hug the one who brought it. This part didn't make them feel so comfortable and they waved my bye-bye like I was slightly insane (which might be true!). These nice guys had found my card on the rocks near the water and picked it up and moved it to a high rock further back. Can you believe that? And imagine if I hadn't asked them. My card was there, just somewhere I would never have looked and I would have lost half a family session shoot. YIKES. Photos like these:

We had a lot of fun. I met Mum, Earlene, through Loubie's preschool, Sunshine Montessori. We went to her daughter's birthday party at Mona Kids Jungle and I have to say, Earlene makes the best Cesar salad I have ever tasted, even making the croutons and dressing. YUMMY!

Oh my goodness! I was reading the post full and dread but I am so glad it had a happy ending. What kind boys! The pictures are beautiful - it would have been terrible to lose them.
I can't believe they actually found it and saved it!! That is so awesome. What a relief. These last 3 photos are my favorite. I love the mother/daughter one with the rock formation in the distance (so interesting those things are). The family together on the beach.....LOVE IT! Nothing says more in a picture than a father holding his precious baby. I just think that is so special when I see a photo with such happiness and joy!
You really captured some precious moments. That really would have been terrible if that memory card was washed away. Happy Endings....YEAH!
OMG!!! Super thrilled that they found it and put it on higher ground! YAY! You captured some priceless moments! Keep up the great work! see you soon! shel
Thanks all. Yep, that was a hairy scary moment and I can't believe those boys picked it up and looked after it!!! Great teenagers!
LOVE the second to last one w/the family walking down the beach, the colors are MARVELOUS and I love that the bottom of their pants are wet, lol.
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