Monday, March 15, 2010

Singapore - Part 3. The Buddhist Temples.

Singapore was just simply amazing, I felt like I had gone to a bunch of different countries in one trip. Perfect for someone like me with a time constraint and 2 kids in tow!
Here are some of my favourite images from the Buddhist temples...

You have to love incense sticks! Especially in hot pink!

Colours everywhere...

This man was lost in prayer at a Buddhist temple. Loved his eyes...

I'll be back!


Mike said...

Your blog has been recommended to us as a interviewee's favorite blog!

We would like to do an interview with you about your blog for
Blog Interviewer. We'd
like to give you the opportunity to
give us some insight on the "person behind the blog."

It would just take a few minutes of your time. The interview form can
be submitted online here Submit your

Best regards,

Mike Thomas

Heidi said...

what a beautiful blog...i think it should be named kaleidoscope too:) pictures are amazing. i enjoyed looking at them. thanks for visiting!

AUR said...

Hi,,, great photos...!!!! Don't know what to say!!

Chandana said...


Here's a blog that serves for your spiritual needs, and will surely be a blessing for you.

It has messages from the Holy Scriptures, taught by the Spirit of God.

These messages teach us how to have God in all the aspects of our lives and have God's rule over every matter :

Have a blessed reading and gladly write back if you need any prayer help.

God bless you and your family.

Remya said...

Seriously, that were some of the most beautiful photographs I have ever come across ( I checked some of your old ones too).
Amazing, I say it once again.
Take care..

Unknown said...

Hi,Pamela--saw your blog on blog interviewer and hopped over for a visit. Your photography is stunning. I look forward to seeing more.

:) Lori@