Sunday, June 1, 2008

2.5 is the magic number...

Well, it's been 2.5 months we've been here and boy has it been a ride and a half. 

In this short time we've got a place to live, started the kids in schools, ate out at a bunch of different places, participated in 2 Parents' Nights Out, been to a castle, an island (off of an island), world's 2nd largest aquarium. Parks have been discovered and added to list of fav places to go. We have ploughed through the most paperwork I have ever seen in my life (thanks MCCS). We have spent almost 2 months of this time eating breakfast on the floor. I worship my table now it has arrived. We all have bikes and Loubie learnt to ride his with just 2 wheels! We have taken a 'nature shower' (been caught in a massive downpour), watched a great storm from the balcony and listened to the 'giant lion roaring in the sky' (thanks, April).

I personally have met a bunch of cool people, found a long lost sister friend (Hi Caz-a-licious), been to a haunted hotel shoot, shot a change of command, began the process of starting a small business (operative word is 'began'), gone to a bunch of shops/eateries/more shops/more eateries. I've managed to get together a b-day party for April. I have been to 2 fitness classes. I have upped my internet usage to 'get off now' because of my obsession with taking photos (now I don't work FT, I can have time with my camera again).

I thought we would come to this island and have covered it in a couple of weeks, ha ha, not so. We have merely scraped the surface. There doesn't seem to be enough time in the day, each day rolls by and into another, into a week, a month and before you know it, it will be a year. I don't want to miss any of it.

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